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Friday, December 31, 2010

Stuffed Chili's

I would say that these were a disappointment. The stuffing really shrank up when cooked and separated from the walls of the chili's. Good overall flavor but poor presentation. The recipe called for steaming these. I think cooking in the oven or broiling may have turned out better. The chili's themselves were a bit soggy, like over steamed broccoli. 

Stuffed Chili's
10 fat fresh green chili's
4oz lean pork, chopped (I used ground turkey)
3oz tiger prawns
1 tsp cilantro
1tsp corn starch
2tsp dry sherry
2tsp soy sauce
1tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cold water

Slice chili's in half and take out the seeds. Chop pork and prawns. Chop cilantro. Mix everything together in a bowl. Stuff peppers with meat mixture. Steam in steamer tray (I used rice cooker steamer tray) for 15 minutes or until meat is fully cooked.

I rated this a two star. ** Kurt rated it a three star. ***

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