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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Steel Cut Oatmeal

A friend of mine gave me a great tip on how to cook Steel Cut Oatmeal fast and efficiently. I love to eat oatmeal but frankly don't like to wait around to cook non processed oatmeal in the morning.

1 cup Steel Cut Organic Oatmeal
1 cup milk
2 cups water

Place in bowl. Place bowl in water bath in crock pot and cook on low overnight. The oatmeal was ready by morning and this made enough oatmeal for me to portion out into 4 servings.

This morning I added frozen raspberries to my oatmeal, yesterday I added 1 Tbsp of brown sugar, the day before I added 1/2 organic cut apple... many varieties and excellent source of healthy fiber & protein. My 6 1/2 month old baby loves this oatmeal as well. I feel safe giving her this for breakfast with me because it is organic and not processed.

This is the oatmeal at the beginning. Milk is not required in the recipe but this is how I like it.

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