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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grocery Shopping

I have recently had the time to sit down and watch a few documentaries about where our food is coming from and what is put into our food....

I highly recommend --
The King of Corn
The Garden
Food Matters

The King of Corn has taught me that corn is in about everything we eat and it is making us sick and fat. Corn is fed to most of the animals that we eat as meat, high fructose corn syrup is the #1 sweetener out there and is in just about everything and corn starch is also high on our ingredient lists. SO, I am trying something out... 30 days with NO corn!!

The Garden was about a movement to keep a 13 acre community garden in south central Los Angeles. Very moving to see people fight for freedoms to grow.

Food Matters was about the medical industry and how pharmaceutical companies are keeping us sick and dependent on medications. This movie taught me more about the concept we all already know, "You are what you eat" and what that means to me.

Tapped-- This was just a scary and eye opening documentary about the business of bottled water, the byproducts of the industry and the devastation on our environment. So I also vow not to use bottled water any longer and be more diligent about bringing my own reusable bottle with me everywhere. This also taught me to be more careful about the types of plastics I use and how I am using them for myself and my family.

Above is a picture of my grocery shopping from yesterday. No corn. Mostly Organic. No GMO's (Genetically Modified Organism) but still lots of packaging! I am not sure how to get away from that entirely?! I wrote down where each food item was shipped from or grown and will tally up how many miles my food traveled to my table. I will keep you posted on that data as soon as I calculate that out.

Margarita Pizza

Basil Pesto as the sauce-- purchased from Costco
Mozterella Cheese
Sliced Tomatoes
Added -- bits of chicken
Homeade dough from the bread maker --used dough setting (essentially flour, water, salt and yeast)
Cook at 375 degrees for 15 minutes